Junior League of Greater Princeton Hosts Teachers for Science Training
I just returned from New Jersey where I got a chance to once again work with a great organization that really supports teachers and science education. I first met the leaders from the Junior League of Greater Princeton (JLGP) in 2007 when I presented a full-day science training for teachers in their ROCKET program. ROCKETS (Raising Our Children’s Knowledge by Educating Through Science) is a program that brings hands-on science activities to at-risk children through innovative teacher training and field trips for the children and their families. Eighty teachers gathered at Rider University in New Jersey for last week’s hands-on science training sponsored by the Junior League. The teachers ranged from early childhood through middle school, but their primary goal was the same… to get kids excited about doing more hands-on science. If you’re a teacher who might benefit from the efforts of the ROCKET program, I highly encourage you to contact the Junior League of Greater Princeton.
As always, I invited the teachers from the workshop to test out a few of the hands-on science activities and share a comment on the blog.
Hi Steve,
I attended the seminar at the Rider University, NJ. I have three sons, ages 12, 9 and 8. When I went home I did a presentation of all the experiments. My boys were absolutely loved every single experiment! When I showed the baby bottle to my boy and asked what does it look like, My 9 year old said immediately It looks like a soda bottle! I was impressed cause I couldn’t guess that. Next day my 8 and 9 year old went to school and talked their friends and teachers about all the cool tricks their mom could do! Now guess what they want me to go to their class and do a presentation. I teach preschool and this whole week My students and parents had blasting fun with all the experiments. I wrote my lesson plans calling the theme “Magical Science” After doing a demonstration, I let the children try it and also gave samples for the children to take home and present it to their families! I also sent home a note to parents to write responses from their children. And what a great response I got! Some children made their presentation in front of their parents,even grandparents, cousins and some neighbors! I am excited, and feel good turning ordinary science activities into unforgettable learning experiences!
Reshma Omar
Reshma – I couldn’t be happier with the follow-up you shared from the workshop. I could only hope that the same thing happened to some of the other participants when they shared a few of the activities from the workshop with their colleagues, students or even their own kids. That’s why I think it’s so important for you to leave the workshop with materials that you can use right away. Thanks for sharing your experience. Please let me know if I can help as you plan new experiences for your students.