New Widget for Your Blog! Experiment of the Week
We now have over 100,000 subscribers who receive our Science Experiment of the Week in their inbox each Wednesday morning. We’ve had requests to create a widget (especially from teachers who blog), and we finally did it using Widgetbox. The widget is called Science Experiment of the Week from Steve Spangler. We think it’s a cool widget that shares both experiments and our featured videos.
Get this widget for your website
If you don’t have a website, you can still sign-up for the e-mail version of our Experiment of the Week. We’ll deliver a brief e-mail that’s packed with cool science ideas you can put to use right away. And you have my personal guarantee that neither your name nor your e-mail address will be shared with anyone or any company. Our mailing lists are not for sale, rent, loan, lease or barter to anyone. Ever.
I’d really like to hear your feedback on how the widget works on your website.
Hey Steve, thz a lot.
Recently I catched up every ofur science experiments videos u performed be4.
I found them very interesting.
Btw, I’m from Hong Kong, China.
I remember u ignited methane gas be4 in your demonstration.
I wanna say wt u’ve done do not only ignite the gas or wtsoever, u also ignited my passion for science.
That’s y I say thz a lot above.
I’m currently studying physics, chemistry and biology and so forth.
just wanna say wt u’ve achieved have already become immeasurable. Keep it up.