Spooky Halloween Slime Recipes
Halloween, science and, of course, slime all seem to go hand in hand… plus everyone who knows me understands the fact that Halloween is my Christmas. So, it’s no wonder that I can’t stop coming up with more and more activities that I just HAVE to try for Halloween. When 9News wanted a slime segment this week, I was more than happy to oblige… it gave me a great excuse to hang out in my “laboratory” and see how many different items I could add to a batch of slime to make it that much more spooky.
To see all of the oozing, bursting, popping ideas that I came up with check out the experiment and watch the video. Oh, and don’t forget to enter our Slime Contest… you might be the winner of 25 gallons of slime!
so cool hop you come with new ideas