Science Fair Project! Getting parents and teachers on board
There are three words you can utter that will change the look on a teacher’s face, and on a parent’s face, and those words are — Science Fair Project. You can see the beads of sweat start to appear on the forehead. Teachers know they will be marking 23 projects and parents know they will be doing them.
Science Fair Projects have become a burden over the years. The problem is never about getting kids excited about the Science Fair. The problem is getting parents and teachers on board.
Invention Conventions seem to have taken over — where the latest and greatest creative ideas are showcased. As a science teacher you have to understand there is a difference. An Invention Convention is a display of your ability to be able to create, not necessarily to problem solve. From a truly technical standpoint, we want kids to do both.
Teachers need to model science fair projects — involve kids in pulling the topics out of the hat, show them how to research, learn, experiment and be able to perform on that topic. And how to be truthful when it comes to the discovery that not all science experiments come out right. Teacher modelling is proving very successful in districts throughout Florida, for example, because children understand what their expectations are.
Listen to my podcast on science fair projects and getting teachers and parents on board
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yeah i am in grade ten and i want to find a experiment that is super cool and involes exploding that my teacher will do
i am in the 10th grade and in Advanced Chemistry. we have to do a science projects, but it can be in any type of science(not just chemistry) and i am at a total loss of ideas. i want something that isn’t too time consuming, but it has to be at a highschool level so my teacher will accept it. HELP PLEASE! is there any fun(or atleast not completely boring) projects that aren’t too hard to do? i really don’t care what its on.
thanks a BUNCH,
I just want to find a project hypothesis, question and something that goes off 3 times to prove it. any suggestions? We need help! [email protected]
I want you to browse through our experiments library to see if you can find something that interests you. There are a few hundred projects that will get you thinking. Remember… you don’t want someone to just give you a hypothesis or just copy someone else’s project. I always recommend that you start by doing an experiment that interests you (just pick one from our library). Then find a way to change one of the variables in the project (the amount of a certain material or the time or the temperature or whatever). Base your hypothesis on what you think will happen when you make the change. Believe it or not, most great science projects start with a few experiments that lead to more questions that lead to a great hypothesis.
i need a scienece project for the 2007 farrell steelers science fair which is held on march11 at 600 pm thank you if you help me i really apresheate it. sincery, johntae scott 6th grade i really want to win.;
Hey i need help on science fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am doing the mentos experiment & am having a hard time coming up with a hyothesis. I was going to test what causes the mentos to foam non carbonated drinks like juice or flat soda HELP
I am trying to find an advance chemistry project that is marvelously interesting and semi-hard to do; my selection on a topic is due on Monday. Can you help me, please?
this is my frist science fair project and need help finding questions and hypothesis for my project iam now in the 7th grade and i need help
Mike Mossberg, I know you reading this forum, please contact me, because I can’t find your contact details.
i am in 5th grade i need alot of help i just can’t find any title for my project and it is my first science project
Hi Harjeen,
Picking the right science fair project can sometimes be a challenge… here is the link to our Science Fair Secrets page that should give you lots of great ideas
Have fun and good luck!
Hi guys would just like to welcome myself to the forum i hope a little later i will be able to help on numerous topics, if you would like to chat you could always catch me here
excellent site